

Department of Environment Studies


1. 27/01/2020NIQ for the supply of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Meter, GPS, Pump
2. 04/10/2019NIQ for the purchase of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Meter;
3. 06/06/2019NIQ for the purchase of Portable Leaf Area Meter; Quantity: One
4. 12/10/2018NIQ for the supply of GPS etc.
5. 09/03/2017Received NIQ for the supply of Instrument
6. 12/08/2016NIQ for the purchase of TRINOCULAR UPRIGHT COMPOUND MICROSCOPE in the research project of Dr. Meenakshi Singh under the Supervision Prof. H.P. Singh, Chairperson, Deptt. of Env. St, P. U. Chd
7. 17/07/2016NIQ for the purchase of Radon Monitor/Analyser in the research project of Dr. Madhuri Rishi
8. 08/07/2016Revise NIQ for the purchase of Camera and Accessories in the research project of Dr. Rajeev Kumar
9. 08/07/2016Revise NIQ for the purchase of BOD incubator in the research project of Dr. Rajeev Kumar
10. 11/05/2016NIQ for the purchase of BOD incubator in the research project of Dr. Rajeev Kumar
11. 11/05/2016NIQ for the purchase of Camera and Accessories in the research project of Dr. Rajeev Kumar
12. 05/05/2016NIQ for the supply of chemicals Palladium Chloride, DMSO-d6, Sterile Centrifuge Tubes 15ml, Sterile Centrifuge tubes-50ml
13. 20/04/2015NIQ for the supply of chemicals Protein markers (15-95 kDa), Ascorbate oxidase, Methyl viologen
14. 11/04/2015NIQ for the supply of chemicals (Items) DPPH (1,1-diphenyl picryl hydrazide), 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein diacetate
15. 11/04/2015NIQ for the supply of chemicals (Item: n-Hexane), Quantity: 25 Litre (bulk packing)
16. 11/03/2015Quotation for the supply of small equipments.
17. 09/02/2015Quotation for the supply of Double beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer
18. 09/02/2015Quotation for Electronic Balance
19. 09/02/2015Quotation for Water Purification System with Accessories

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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